Citizen Kane Blogpost

Citizen Kane is argue all one of the best movies of all time. This is because of its revolutionary camera use, soundtrack and story. I full heartedly support this claim because after viewing it and viewing it with commentary, I too have arrived at that conclusion. It is now one of my favorite movies and after seeing it, I was able to also pick up on the various ways that Citizen Kane has permeated into popular culture.

The first reason I think that it is revolutionary is because of camerawork. I especially like the use of deep focus by Toolen throughout the movie. For instance in the beginning flashback at Mary Kane’s house , the use of deep focus when everything in the scene is in focus really allowed me to be able to discern the contextual significance of that scene. The significance being how this scene forever changes Charles Kane’s life. Another scene that I thought had really good camera work was the montage with Kane and his first wife. This montage shows the disintegration of their marriage through a two shoot then one shots. The first shot was a two shot that showed a couple still in the honeymoon phase of the marriage. After that the shots are all one shots and through these shots we, as viewers, are able to see just how their relationship fades and the love fades. The last shot then shows them reading differing newspapers with Kane reading his Enquirer while the wife was reading the competitor Chronicle.

Another example of good camera work, in my option, is Kane’s speech when he is running for governor. During this moment, Kane is giving a speech about how he will put Boss Jim Gettys in prison and how he will be a represent ice for the people. The camera pans out to show a large crowd in front of and behind him, however in reality that is just painting with lights under it to show movement. I think this is truly revolutionary and an interesting solution to a problem. The soundtrack of this scene is also amazing because it gives the illusion that there are lots of people there when in reality there aren’t.

This leads me to my next point on why this movie is such a revolutionary film which is the sound of the movie. For instance, when Kane is yelling at Gettys at Susan Alexander’s house, This moment gave me goosebumps and I really felt touched and felt sorry for Kane. Another way Citizen uses sound well is at the end of Susan Alexander’s opera. Kane is the last to get and clap the loudest while. everybody else. is just paying lip service. The sound of his clapping as opposed to the track on the movie is much louder and through it we as an audience are able to see how he feels X about the opera and Susan Alexander’s carrier overall. That is a feeling that Kane is trying to make her something she truly is not and he is starting to realize this but as, we know, he will never show this little inkling of realization and continue to pressure Susan until their nasty divorce.

Citizen Kane is one of the best movies ever and I as a student am able to see why. This is because of the way Welles uses camerawork and sound to his advantage. Kane is an immortal literary character and so too is his work.

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